Title: The impact of economic decline on the satisfaction and productivity of the public employees in the Jordanian public-sector
Authors: Mohammed Rawabdeh; Sahem Nawafleh
Addresses: Public Administration Department, Yarmouk University, ZIP Code 21163, Jordan ' Public Administration Department, Yarmouk University, ZIP Code 21163, Jordan
Abstract: Economic crisis has different consequences on economy such as bankruptcies, generalised inflation and economic decline. Accordingly, economic decline has had a notable and wide-ranging affect in terms of employee conditions and outcomes. Current paper seeks to explore the influence of the economic decline on the productivity of employees and their satisfaction in their role. Data were gathered through the completion of 435 questionnaires by the public-employees, administered randomly across the public-financial institutions in Jordan, notably making up 5% of all workers across this domain. Benchmark and deductive analysis were carried out through the application and recognition of such standard frameworks. The findings emphasised economic decline as negatively affecting both the productivity and job satisfaction of employees, with staff recognised as viewing job security as paramount when contrasted with other factors. Importantly, when considering the problematic economic conditions experienced by Jordan as a developing country, such a conclusion would be reasonable.
Keywords: economic decline; crisis; employee productivity; job satisfaction; employee motivation; financial institutions.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2019.100155
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 2019 Vol.27 No.2, pp.229 - 248
Received: 16 Jan 2018
Accepted: 15 May 2018
Published online: 12 Jun 2019 *