Title: Motivations for consumption behaviours on the web: a conceptual model based on a holistic approach
Authors: Francisco J. Martinez-Lopez, Paula Luna-Huertas, Francisco Jose Martinez
Addresses: Marketing Department, Universidad de Granada, Campus de Cartuja s/n, CP 18071, Granada, Spain. ' Department of Financial Economy and Operations Research, University of Seville, Avda. Ramon y Cajal, 1, CP 41018 Seville, Spain. ' Department of Financial Economy, Accounting and Operations Research, University of Huelva, Plaza de la Merced, 11, CP 21002 Huelva, Spain
Abstract: The conceptual model presented in this paper poses that there are mainly two types of motivations which determine individuals| consumption behaviour on the web, i.e. utilitarian vs. hedonic. Such motivations, which we call meta-dimensions, group into two clearly differentiated categories of a variety of benefits sought – i.e. dimensions of meta-dimensions – by consumers when navigating the Net. We theoretically analyse a possible relation between both groups of motivations. Furthermore, we consider the influence that they can exert in developing goal-directed and experiential behaviours, that is, behaviours with or without an associated decision problem. Likewise, we also reflect on the role played by the optimum stimulation level and flow state. Finally, we analyse the possible outcome of online consumption experiences taking into account those previous behaviours.
Keywords: motivations; online consumption; consumer behaviour; world wide web; holistic perspective; conceptual model; theoretical modelling; internet; buying behaviour; online shopping; e-shopping; electronic retailing; e-retailing; e-tailing.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2006.010092
International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 2006 Vol.1 No.1, pp.3 - 20
Published online: 16 Jun 2006 *
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