Title: Method of key node identification in command and control networks based on level flow betweenness
Authors: Yun-Ming Wang; Cheng-Sheng Pan; Bo Chen; Duo-Ping Zhang
Addresses: School of Automatic, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China; College of Information Engineering, Dalian University, Dalian 116622, China ' School of Automatic, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China; College of Information Engineering, Dalian University, Dalian 116622, China ' College of Information Engineering, Dalian University, Dalian 116622, China ' College of Information Engineering, Dalian University, Dalian 116622, China
Abstract: Key node identification in command and control (C2) networks is an appealing problem that has attracted increasing attention. Due to the particular nature of C2 networks, the traditional algorithms for key nodes identification have problems with high complexity and unsatisfactory adaptability. A new method of key node identification based on level flow betweenness (LFB) is proposed, which is suitable for C2 networks. The proposed method first proves the definition of LFB by analysing the characteristics of a C2 network. Then, this method designs algorithms for key node identification based on LFB and theoretically derives the complexity of this algorithm. Finally, a number of numerical simulation experiments are carried out, and the results demonstrate that this method reduces algorithm complexity, improves identification accuracy and enhances adaptability for C2 networks.
Keywords: command and control network; complex network; key node identification; level flow betweenness; LFB.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCSE.2019.101346
International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, 2019 Vol.19 No.3, pp.368 - 375
Received: 26 Nov 2016
Accepted: 16 Feb 2017
Published online: 05 Aug 2019 *