Title: Predicting entrepreneurial satisfaction: the role of non-financial incentive factors and quality of life among women digital entrepreneurs
Authors: Tanusree Chakraborty; Madhurima Ganguly; Ashok Natarajan
Addresses: Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management Area, Rajalakshmi School of Business, Chennai, 600124, India ' Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management Area, Heritage Business School, Kolkata, 700107, India ' Finance and Accounting Area, Rajalakshmi School of Business, Chennai, 600124, India
Abstract: Although women entrepreneurs have faced various obstacles in running their business, they have not immediately quit: they sustain their business. Beyond financial returns, these women entrepreneurs expect something that makes them satisfied and engaged in their businesses. This study thus explores factors in women's entrepreneurship. It studied a sample of 120 women digital entrepreneurs through a questionnaire method and telephonic interview. The results show that non-monetary determinants are significant predictors of entrepreneurial satisfaction among women digital entrepreneurs. This study also found that founders vary in their levels of satisfaction with regard to their achievements in factors such as revenue, material comfort achieved, optimism, business satisfaction, innovation, recognition and employee trust.
Keywords: digital entrepreneurs; non-financial incentive; incentive motivation; quality of work life; women; entrepreneurial satisfaction.
Journal for Global Business Advancement, 2019 Vol.12 No.3, pp.328 - 355
Received: 23 May 2019
Accepted: 23 May 2019
Published online: 05 Aug 2019 *