Title: Our herstory: Beit Hillel's founding mothers
Authors: Yahel Kurlander; Noga Efrati
Addresses: Tel-Hai Academic College, Upper Galilee, 1220800, Israel ' The Open University of Israel, 1 University Road, Raanana 43107, Israel
Abstract: The article portrays the story of the founding mothers of Moshav Beit Hillel in Northern Israel that was largely erased from the villages' collective memory. It argues that without their entrepreneurial and resilient spirit, Beit Hillel would not have survived, thus hinting at the key role such women played in the history of the agricultural settlement in Israel.
Keywords: agricultural settlement in Israel; entrepreneurship; Moshav Beit Hillel.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2019.101702
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2019 Vol.37 No.4, pp.573 - 581
Received: 14 Sep 2017
Accepted: 03 Oct 2017
Published online: 22 Aug 2019 *