Title: Controlling industrial parameters through server using Li-Fi and Wi-Fi communication protocols
Authors: Puligadda Bhanu Subrahmanyeswara Rao; N. Srikanta; A. Surendar
Addresses: Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, VFSTR University, Guntur, AP, India ' Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, VFSTR University, Guntur, AP, India ' Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, VFSTR University, Guntur, AP, India
Abstract: In the present day scenario, industrial automation is the most prominent and very common phenomena. Normally, to establish communication among different modules, in industrial applications controlled area network (CAN) protocol is very popular. As the number of devices connected to CAN bus increases, response time also increases for devices connected to CAN, which may lead to catastrophic effects in the system. As CAN deals with electrical signals it may generate electromagnetic interference (EMI) in signal sensitive areas. To avoid EMI and to reduce response time due to CAN bus protocols, other alternatives are to be thought of. So, to overcome the limitations and to resolve the problems due to CAN bus in industrial controlling a novel idea is proposed by the authors for controlling and monitoring the remote plant using Li-Fi. Remote plant is a signal sensitive area, where first a communication link based on Li-Fi is developed to monitor various modules of the plant and then collected data is stored in a server using Wi-Fi module, and necessary control signals are also sent through the Wi-Fi protocol to the plant to control it.
Keywords: industrial automation; electromagnetic interference; EMI; light fidelity; controlled area network; CAN; Li-Fi; Wi-Fi module.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNVO.2019.101789
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 2019 Vol.21 No.2, pp.259 - 267
Received: 11 Apr 2017
Accepted: 04 Jun 2017
Published online: 27 Aug 2019 *