Title: Location analysis of reverse logistics operations for an international electrical manufacturer in Asia Pacific region using the analytic hierarchy process
Authors: Wen Bian, Ming Yu
Addresses: Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, PR China. ' Department of Industrial Engineering, Shunde #505, Tsinghua University, 100084 PR China
Abstract: Reverse logistics, referring to the distribution activities involved in product returns, has recently received growing attention, as most companies are using it as a strategic tool to serve their customers, and it can generate good revenue. This paper seeks to analyse various countries in the Asia Pacific (AP) region to determine their suitability in carrying out reverse logistics operations for an international electrical manufacturer. Key factors to be considered in the decision-making process are identified. Owing to the complexity stemming from a multitude of qualitative factors affecting the location decisions, an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is proposed for solving such a complex decision-making problem.
Keywords: reverse logistics; location decisions; multicriteria decision making; MCDM; analytical hierarchy process; AHP; Asia Pacific; electrical manufacturing.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSOI.2006.010197
International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 2006 Vol.1 No.1/2, pp.187 - 201
Published online: 08 Jul 2006 *
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