Title: The green value chain construct: instrument validation and green practices among Malaysian corporations
Authors: Jeen Wei Ong; Guan Gan Gerald Goh; Choon Yih Goh; Hui Siang Sally Yong
Addresses: Faculty of Management, Multimedia University, Malaysia ' Faculty of Management, Multimedia University, Malaysia ' Faculty of Management, Multimedia University, Malaysia ' Faculty of Management, Multimedia University, Malaysia
Abstract: This study aims to validate the green value chain construct and developed through semi-structured interviews conducted on 35 public listed companies with green focus in Malaysia. Despite the importance of value chain activities as the cornerstone of value creation for businesses, there are only limited research effort that had been directed at empirically validating the green value chain construct. This study validated the green value chain construct through questionnaire surveys among 198 Malaysian corporations. In addition, the adoption of green practices within the value chain among the corporations are examined. The findings suggest that while the corporations are embedding green practices, mainly in the primary value chain activities, the green practices in the secondary value chain activities are however given lower emphasis. The minimal emphasis on embedding green elements in the technology development and human resource management is of concern which raises the question on the sustainability of green practices among these corporations.
Keywords: green value chain; construct validation; exploratory factor analysis; green practices; Malaysian corporations.
DOI: 10.1504/WREMSD.2019.102343
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 2019 Vol.15 No.4, pp.494 - 512
Received: 16 Jun 2017
Accepted: 08 Aug 2017
Published online: 23 Sep 2019 *