Title: Enhancing the firm's innovation capability through knowledge management: a study of high technology firms in China
Authors: Jie Yang, Mingjie Rui, Jinjun Wang
Addresses: College of Business, University of Southern Mississippi-Gulf Coast, 730 East Beach Blvd, Long Beach, MS 39560, USA. ' School of Management, Fudan University, 220 Handan Road, 200433, Shanghai, P.R. China. ' College of Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, USA
Abstract: This study investigates the effect of knowledge management on a firm|s innovation capability. Knowledge acquisition and innovation are particularly examined for their impacts on innovation capability in high technology firms in China and the effect of innovation capability on long-term corporate growth is also assessed. Results show that the innovation capability of high technology firms is significantly related to knowledge acquisition and innovation in these firms. The innovation capability also has been shown to positively contribute to long-term corporate growth.
Keywords: corporate growth; innovation capability; knowledge acquisition; knowledge innovation; innovation manangement; technology management; high technology firms; China; high tech industries.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2006 Vol.36 No.4, pp.305 - 317
Published online: 12 Jul 2006 *
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