Title: A holistic knowledge sharing framework in high-tech firms: game and co-opetition perspectives
Authors: Meng-Hsun Shih, Hsien-Tang Tsai, Chi-Cheng Wu, Chung-Han Lu
Addresses: Department of Business Management, National Sun Yat-Sen University, 70, LianHai Road, Kaohsiung, 804, Taiwan. ' Department of Business Management, National Sun Yat-Sen University, 70, LianHai Road, Kaohsiung, 804, Taiwan. ' Department of Business Management, National Sun Yat-Sen University, 70, LianHai Road, Kaohsiung, 804, Taiwan. ' Department of International Trade, Cheng Shiu University, 840 ChengChing Road, NiaoSong, Kaohsiung County, 833, Taiwan
Abstract: High-tech companies are renowned for their high level of intellectual works even though they are facing a competitive environment. Knowledge sharing, therefore, plays an important role in a high-tech company|s performance and innovation. In implementing knowledge sharing, high-tech firms often encounter setbacks due to neglecting human nature and the knowledge trading mechanism within organisations. This article aims to propose a holistic knowledge sharing framework by applying game theory, co-opetition, agent contest and reward systems, to solve the employee|s dilemma and free-rider behaviour problems. Based on this framework, we categorise high-tech firms into four types of knowledge sharing, such as job guarantee, individual performance, team performance, and team learning. Empirical results showed that the type of team learning firm with agent contest and reward systems designed for both team and individual could build a co-opetitive knowledge sharing environment.
Keywords: agent contest; co-opetition; game theory; knowledge sharing; high-technology firms; high-tech industries; innovation management; technology management; reward systems; job guarantee; individual performance; team performance; team learning; organisational performance.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2006 Vol.36 No.4, pp.354 - 367
Published online: 12 Jul 2006 *
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