Title: Home energy management based on plug-in electric vehicle power control in a residential smart grid
Authors: Siwar Khemakhem; Mouna Rekik; Lotfi Krichen
Addresses: Control and Energy Management Laboratory (CEMLab), National Engineering School of Sfax, BP, 1173, 5052 Sfax, Tunisia ' Control and Energy Management Laboratory (CEMLab), National Engineering School of Sfax, BP, 1173, 5052 Sfax, Tunisia ' Control and Energy Management Laboratory (CEMLab), National Engineering School of Sfax, BP, 1173, 5052 Sfax, Tunisia
Abstract: With the great tendency of plug in electric vehicles (PEVs) development, the integration of this interesting and flexible electric load on the smart grid emerging from energy exchanging between PEV and power grid have drawn a great attention worldwide. In this paper, taking into account smart grid technology, an optimal PEV charge/discharge power management algorithm in residential place is proposed. The purpose of this control strategy is to ensure the energy flow exchanging between PEV and smart home to improve the energy efficiency and to achieve a flattened power load curve. The main contribution of this strategy is to determine the optimal power of the PEV connected at home. The home-to-vehicle (H2V) operation determines the reference power to be absorbed during the off-peak hours and vehicle-to-home (V2H) operation explains the reference power to be injected to home in order to elevate peaks during rush hours. Therefore, this new concept poses important challenges to achieve the smoothness for the power load curve and the stability and the security of smart grid. Simulation results prove the performance of this control approach.
Keywords: plug in electric vehicles; PEV; control strategy; vehicle-to-home; V2H; home-to-vehicle; H2V; smoothness.
DOI: 10.1504/IJDSSS.2019.103369
International Journal of Digital Signals and Smart Systems, 2019 Vol.3 No.1/2/3, pp.173 - 186
Received: 06 Jul 2018
Accepted: 06 Dec 2018
Published online: 05 Nov 2019 *