Title: The impact of interactive design as a conversion rate optimisation tool for e-commerce
Authors: Anas Abubakar Rano; Roopesh Kevin Sungkur
Addresses: Ontrac Technology Limited, Abuja, Nigeria ' Department of Software and Information Systems, Faculty of Information, Communication and Digital Technologies, University of Mauritius, Reduit, Mauritius
Abstract: This research focuses on a serious issue with regards to low conversion rates (CR) in e-commerce websites. It investigates the phenomena in a series of phases using an e-commerce website as the case study. The A/B testing framework was used to investigate the possible factors responsible for low conversion rate and a number of solutions were provided, focusing on how the use of interactive design, human-computer interaction principles, and industry design standards could be adopted as a tool to enhance the conversion rate of an e-commerce website. These design factors were used in the creation of a web application which was tested in a comparative assessment with a case study website to prove that the new design enhancements resulted in an improvement in the performance of the new website. This resulted in the new website reporting an increase website usability and enhanced user experience, which ultimately lead to an increase in conversion rates.
Keywords: e-commerce; conversion rate; A/B testing; human-computer interaction; HCI; usability test.
DOI: 10.1504/IJISAM.2019.103610
International Journal of Information Systems and Management, 2019 Vol.2 No.1, pp.71 - 92
Received: 20 Oct 2018
Accepted: 05 May 2019
Published online: 13 Nov 2019 *