Title: Complex analysis of heavy metals mobility in the soils of the border town of Blagoveshchensk (Far East, Russia)

Authors: Valentina I. Radomskaya; Nina A. Borodina; Lyudmila M. Pavlova

Addresses: Laboratory of Biogeochemistry, Institute of Geology & Nature Management FEB RAS, Relochniy Line, 1, 675000 Blagoveshchensk, Russia ' Laboratory of Biogeochemistry, Institute of Geology & Nature Management FEB RAS, Relochniy Line, 1, 675000 Blagoveshchensk, Russia ' Laboratory of Biogeochemistry, Institute of Geology & Nature Management FEB RAS, Relochniy Line, 1, 675000 Blagoveshchensk, Russia

Abstract: A comprehensive assessment of the degree of heavy metals mobility in the soils of Blagoveshchensk was carried out, based on research on HM fractional composition and mathematical statistics. It was shown that the majority of Cu, Cr, Ni, Co and Pb accumulates in residual fraction components and that Mn, Cd and Zn accumulate in Fe- and Mn-hydroxides and the residual fraction. Under the increased technogenic addition of Zn contaminants, Pb was fixed in soil due to unstable specific absorption, Cd due to specific absorption and in hydroxide fraction. Cu was bound to an organic fraction, and Cr, Co and Ni to organic and hydroxide fractions. In urban soils compared to background soil, there was increased potential for the mobility of Zn, Pb, Ni, Cu, Cr and Cd. Among the elements studied, Zn, Mn and Cd, whose potential mobility corresponds to a high level of danger, posed the greatest danger.

Keywords: heavy metals; mobility; fractional composition; urban soils.

DOI: 10.1504/IJEP.2019.103750

International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2019 Vol.65 No.4, pp.350 - 375

Received: 12 Mar 2018
Accepted: 15 May 2019

Published online: 26 Nov 2019 *

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