Title: Innovation policies and Triple-Helix in French context: the case of Rhone-Alpes
Authors: Alessandra Ressico
Addresses: Ceris–CNR, Institute for Economic Research on Firms and Growth, via Real Collegio n. 30, Moncalieri, Turin 10024, Italy
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyse the innovation policies in French context, and in particular the Rhone-Alpes situation, under the Triple-Helix theoretical framework. In Triple-Helix the institutional spheres of government, university and industry, in addition to performing their traditional functions, can be flexible, in the sense that each can assume roles of other partners. In this model, path-dependent trajectories are expected to collide continuously, allowing for the creation of new dynamics. Following this theoretical background, the aim of this paper is to verify if it has favoured the interaction among University, Firms and Institutions. In particular, in regional policy this interaction is closer due to the best awareness of the territory by institutions. Furthermore, the increasing possibility of autonomy becomes crucial in expanding this relationship.
Keywords: innovation policy; innovation studies; regional innovation policy; Triple-Helix; Rhone-Alpes; France.
DOI: 10.1504/IJFIP.2006.010405
International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy, 2006 Vol.2 No.3/4, pp.285 - 303
Published online: 18 Jul 2006 *
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