Title: Integrating the Kano model for optimising CPR-D training system
Authors: Jingjing Liu; Huijun Xi; Li Gui
Addresses: School of Nursing, The Navy Medical University, 800, Xiangyin Road, Shanghai, China ' Nursing Department, Changhai Hospital, 168, Changhai Road, Shanghai, China ' School of Nursing, The Navy Medical University, 800, Xiangyin Road, Shanghai, China
Abstract: To explore customers' requirements of CPR-D training system and optimise the system accordingly. We conducted a Kano model-based questionnaire survey among medical staffs with 28 quality features of the CPR-D training system being developed earlier. A modified Kano categorisation was adapted to decide the final category. Totally 268 of the 300 questionnaires distributed were valid. Most of the participants were either physicians or nurses, while the rest were non-clinical medical staffs or nursing teachers. Of 28 features, four were attached to attractive attributes, 15 were one-dimensional attributes, seven were indifferent attributes, and one was reversal attribute, while one feature was ambiguous. After the modified Kano categorisation, four were categorised to attractive attributes, 19 were one-dimensional attributes, four were indifferent attributes, and one was reverse attribute. Comprehensively considering the results, version 1.0 of CPR-D training system was upgraded to version 2.0, in which a total of seven QFs were optimised. The Kano model-based questionnaire provides valuable information for optimisation of CPR-D training system. In the future, continuous survey should be conducted to update customers' requirements.
Keywords: Kano model; CPR; defibrillation; training.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCMH.2019.104363
International Journal of Computational Medicine and Healthcare, 2019 Vol.1 No.1, pp.59 - 72
Accepted: 27 Mar 2019
Published online: 06 Jan 2020 *