Title: Transforming mass customisation from a marketing instrument to a sustainable business model at Adidas
Authors: Klaus Moser, Melanie Muller, Frank T. Piller
Addresses: Technische Universitat Munchen, TUM Business School, Department for Information, Organisation and Management (IOM), Leopoldstraße 139, 80804 Munchen, Germany. ' Technische Universitat Munchen, TUM Business School, Department for Information, Organisation and Management (IOM), Leopoldstraße 139, 80804 Munchen, Germany. ' MIT Sloan School of Management, 50 Memorial Drive, Room E52-513, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Abstract: miadidas (my individual Adidas) is the mass customisation offering of Adidas AG, a leading international sporting goods corporation. Introduced in 2000, the programme allows customers to co-design a custom athletic shoe according to fit (size and width), performance criteria (insole, cushioning, outsole characteristics), and style (colour combinations, custom embroidery), thus providing a service that had previously only been available to top athletes. The case describes the evolution of mass customisation at Adidas and analyses how the company can efficiently integrate the miadidas process into its existing inline (standard) production and distribution processes.
Keywords: mass customisation; case study; athletic shoe industry; synergies; mass production; sustainable business models; Adidas.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMASSC.2006.010445
International Journal of Mass Customisation, 2006 Vol.1 No.4, pp.463 - 479
Published online: 22 Jul 2006 *
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