Title: An approach for selection of solid waste disposal sites by rapid impact assessment matrix and environmental performance index analysis
Authors: Nekram Rawal
Addresses: Department of Civil Engineering, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, 211004, India
Abstract: The selection of landfill sites for disposal of municipal solid waste is an important challenge for the engineering system. In this study, selection procedure of an appropriate landfill site among the four landfill sites for disposal of waste in Allahabad (India) is highlighted. A questionnaire comprising physical/chemical, biological/ecological, social/cultural and economic/operational aspects was prepared. A survey was conducted among the residents near all four landfill sites. The responses were analysed with a rapid impact assessment matrix tool to quantify the intangible effects in terms of environmental score. Environmental performance index (EPI) was also computed for all four sites to intelligibly ascertain the efficacy of each solid waste disposal facility. The results revealed that Ganja landfill site was the best site as compared with the other sites. The EPI of Kareli, Alopibagh, Phaphamau and Ganja sites was –110.315, –123.541, –98.867 and –54.586, respectively.
Keywords: municipal solid waste; waste disposal; rapid impact assessment matrix; environmental score; environmental performance index.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2019 Vol.66 No.1/2/3, pp.127 - 142
Received: 30 Apr 2018
Accepted: 09 Jan 2019
Published online: 17 Jan 2020 *