Title: Improving latency time of an energy harvesting chain by implementing a fully-integrated-LDO for aircraft WSN
Authors: Hatim Ameziane; Kamal Zared; Hassan Qjidaa
Addresses: Laboratory of Electronics, Signals and Information Systems, Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, BP 1796, 30003 Fez, Morocco ' Laboratory of Electronics, Signals and Information Systems, Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, BP 1796, 30003 Fez, Morocco ' Laboratory of Electronics, Signals and Information Systems, Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, BP 1796, 30003 Fez, Morocco
Abstract: This paper presents an energy harvesting system to reduce the mass of the cables within an aircraft, focusing on the development of a power conversion chain to harvest energy from data lines, which is eventually used to supply the aircraft sensors or wireless monitoring. This proposed interface harvests energy from data CAN bus without disturbing the data transmission, providing an output current up to 60 mA and an output voltage of 1.65 V at the output of the fully-integrated-LDO and an output voltage of 5.035 V at the output of the charge pump within a very short settling time of less than 5 ms and a low voltage ripple of 158.2 mV, in order to feed the aircraft sensors. The most common energy harvester sources are solar cells, wind turbines, vibration energy and thermoelectric generators. The energy harvesting chain (EHC), which does not depend on the environment, is composed by fast analogue devices that are based on integrating a fully-integrated-LDO with a fast transient response, in order to make the aircraft sensors self-powered and operate in real time. The harvesting system is designed in 0.18 μm CMOS technology, the simulation results prove the advantage of the proposed architecture.
Keywords: low dropout regulator; low dropout; LDO; integrated circuits; ICs; energy harvesting; embedded system; wireless sensor network; WSN; aircraft.
International Journal of Powertrains, 2019 Vol.8 No.4, pp.273 - 291
Received: 22 Feb 2019
Accepted: 26 May 2019
Published online: 27 Jan 2020 *