Title: Inductive charger efficiency under internal and external parameters variation for an electric vehicle in motion
Authors: Naoui Mohamed; Flah Aymen; Ben Hamed Mouna
Addresses: Proceeds, Energies, Environment and Electrical Systems, National Engineering School of Gabès, LR18ES34 University of Gabès, Tunisia ' Proceeds, Energies, Environment and Electrical Systems, National Engineering School of Gabès, LR18ES34 University of Gabès, Tunisia ' Proceeds, Energies, Environment and Electrical Systems, National Engineering School of Gabès, LR18ES34 University of Gabès, Tunisia
Abstract: The objective of this paper is to define correctly the overall components of the wireless recharge system and study its efficiency in relation to the vehicle situation under various speeds values. This study required a detailed mathematical analysis and needs to define the correct relationship between more than parameters as the vehicle speed, the battery SOC, the distance between the two coils, the injected electrical power and the transmitter/receiver dimension and number. Also, the recharge time factor was taken in consideration in this phase. The analysis study was elaborated using Matlab/Simulink software and the obtained results were showed that the efficiency of this recharge system depends, numerous and essential factors, especially the vehicle speed. So, a selective recommendation was given at the end of this study.
Keywords: wireless charging; electric vehicle; battery; Matlab/Simulink; pure electric vehicle; dynamic wireless charging.
International Journal of Powertrains, 2019 Vol.8 No.4, pp.343 - 358
Received: 07 May 2019
Accepted: 06 Dec 2019
Published online: 27 Jan 2020 *