Title: Unravelling the brand 'Patanjali' – study of a flourishing Ayurvedic brand in India
Authors: Yukti Ahuja; Shashi Shekhar; Jigyasa Sharma
Addresses: Jagan Institute of Management Studies, GGSIPU, Rohini, Delhi, India ' Jagan Institute of Management Studies, GGSIPU, Rohini, Delhi, India ' Jagan Institute of Management Studies, GGSIPU, Rohini, Delhi, India
Abstract: Patanjali Ayurveda Ltd. started in 2006 by the famous Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev has become one of the fastest growing FMCG brands in India. Patanjali's proposition of low price, natural, pure and swadeshi (Indian-made) products have given the company a unique brand positioning. The brand has a meticulously designed marketing mix strategy which has contributed to the exceptional growth trajectory. The study focuses on demystifying how brand Patanjali scaled up in a short span of time, its business model and its strategic decisions in a fiercely competitive retail environment. Apart from exhaustive study of latest reports, articles and documents, an online survey was conducted across India with a sample of 223 respondents. Analysis has been done to study the impact of selected variables with respect to Ayurveda and consumer's perception towards Patanjali products across the nation. Furthermore, the study discusses the challenges faced and the future prospects of the brand.
Keywords: branding; Ayurveda; Patanjali; consumer behaviour; retail; India.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2020 Vol.24 No.1, pp.39 - 56
Received: 14 Oct 2017
Accepted: 16 Oct 2017
Published online: 10 Feb 2020 *