Title: City life satisfaction: a measurement for smart and sustainable cities from the citizens' perspective
Authors: Marcelo Benetti Correa Da Silva; Suélen Bebber; Ana Cristina Fachinelli; Suane De Atayde Moschen; Rafael De Lucena Perini
Addresses: Graduate Program in Business Administration, Universidade de Caxias do Sul, 1130, Francisco Getúlio Vargas, Caxias do Sul, 95070-560, Brazil ' Graduate Program in Business Administration, Universidade de Caxias do Sul, 1130, Francisco Getúlio Vargas, Caxias do Sul, 95070-560, Brazil ' Graduate Program in Business Administration, Universidade de Caxias do Sul, 1130, Francisco Getúlio Vargas, Caxias do Sul, 95070-560, Brazil ' Graduate Program in Business Administration, Universidade de Caxias do Sul, 1130, Francisco Getúlio Vargas, Caxias do Sul, 95070-560, Brazil ' Graduate Program in Business Administration, Universidade de Caxias do Sul, 1130, Francisco Getúlio Vargas, Caxias do Sul, 95070-560, Brazil
Abstract: The study aims to contribute to the current panorama of instruments that qualify cities by presenting an approach of sustainable goals and indicators. Insight from inhabitants about their cities reveal dimensions and attributes not captured by official indicators. The focus of this study is to define appropriate indicators for sustainability and smartness of cities according to their citizens, considering the idiosyncrasies of local contexts and less notable dimensions pointed out in earlier studies. The scale is based on consolidated metrics, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and the ISO 37120/2017, in association with the European Barometer and American Barometer. The CITYLIFESAT (City Life Satisfaction) scale was tested and validated in Southern Brazil through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and discriminant analysis. The results show that citizens' satisfaction is primarily linked to health and safety, well-being, recreation, public transport, walkability, social inclusion and participation, primary services, city attachment, and environment.
Keywords: citizens' satisfaction; quality of life; citizen perception; urban development; NBR ISO 37120; SDGs; sustainable development goals; European barometer; American barometer; sense of community; PREQI; perceived residential environment quality indicators.
DOI: 10.1504/IJKBD.2019.105126
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 2019 Vol.10 No.4, pp.338 - 383
Received: 23 Nov 2019
Accepted: 09 Dec 2019
Published online: 13 Feb 2020 *