Title: On the order reduction of MIMO large-scale systems using block-roots of matrix polynomials

Authors: Belkacem Bekhiti; Abdelhakim Dahimene; Bachir Nail; Kamel Hariche

Addresses: Signal and System Laboratory, Electronics and Electrotechnics Institute, University of Boumerdes, IGEE Ex: (INELEC), Algeria ' Signal and System Laboratory, Electronics and Electrotechnics Institute, University of Boumerdes, IGEE Ex: (INELEC), Algeria ' Science and Technology Department, University of Ziane Achour, Moudjbara Street BP 3117 Djelfa, Algeria ' Signal and System Laboratory, Electronics and Electrotechnics Institute, University of Boumerdes, IGEE Ex: (INELEC), Algeria

Abstract: The present paper deals with the problem of approximating linear time invariant MIMO large-scale systems with reduced order system via the help of the so called block-moment matching method based on the dominance exist between solvents of the system characteristic matrix polynomial, where the Block-roots are reconstructed using a new proposed procedure. The validation and study of accurate approximation is done by a specified performance index called pulse energy criterion. The necessary condition for correctness and applicability of the proposed method is the block-controllablity or block-observability. Finally, for the demonstration of the proposed method efficiency a numerical example is illustrated.

Keywords: solvents; block-roots; matrix polynomial; moment matching; multi-input multi-output; MIMO systems.

DOI: 10.1504/IJCAET.2020.105576

International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, 2020 Vol.12 No.2, pp.157 - 181

Received: 14 Jun 2016
Accepted: 02 Oct 2017

Published online: 05 Mar 2020 *

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