Title: Cased hole formation resistivity contribution in water management and production enhancement of mature reservoirs
Authors: Ghareb M. Hamada; Osama A. El Mahdy; Murugavel Chandran
Addresses: Petroleum Engineering Department, College of Engineering, American University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iraq ' Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia ' Petroleum Engineering Department, Faculty of Geoscience and Petroleum Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia
Abstract: Water saturation measurements over time are useful for tracking reservoir depletion, and diagnosing production problems such as water production that is one of the main challenges facing oil and gas producers. It is necessary to manage water production to enhance oil production. In cased hole evaluation, cased hole resistivity finds it utility in two circumstances; as a first resistivity measurement in old and new wells to assess the formation in present conditions, or as a time-lapse technique to describe temporal behaviour of reservoir dynamic and reservoir fluids movements to mainly detect bypassed oil zones and water invaded zones. Five case studies of mature reservoirs suffer from water production problems attributed to different geological and reservoir conditions. In all cases, the remedial workover operations based on the cased hole resistivity results have allowed a significant enhancement of the oil production and the implementation of an optimum field management strategy.
Keywords: water management; bypassed oil; cased hole formation resistivity; CHFR; thermal decay time; TDT; workover.
International Journal of Petroleum Engineering, 2019 Vol.3 No.3, pp.194 - 209
Received: 17 Jan 2019
Accepted: 16 Apr 2019
Published online: 06 Mar 2020 *