Title: New strategy for resource allocation using PSO-PFS hybrid
Authors: Zenadji Sylia; Cédric Gueguen; Brikh Lamine; Talbi Larbi; Abdelkrim Khireddine
Addresses: Laboratoire de Génie Electrique (LGEB), Faculté de Technologie, Université de Bejaia, 06000 Bejaia, Algeria ' Laboratoire IRISA, Université de Beaulieu Rennes1, Rennes, Brittany, France ' Laboratoire de Technologie Industrielle et de l'Information (LTII), Faculté de Technologie, Université de Bejaia, 06000 Bejaia, Algeria ' Laboratoire de recherche sur les communications sans fil large bande (LRCL), Université du Québec en Outaouais, Gatineau, Québec, Canada ' Laboratoire de Génie Electrique (LGEB), Faculté de Technologie, Université de Bejaia, 06000 Bejaia, Algeria
Abstract: In this paper, the problem of resource allocation in a tri-sectorial cell taking into account the OFDM transmission technique used in wireless network, such as LTE, and the upcoming 5G, is studied. A new strategy for resource allocation scheme based on PSO-PFS hybrid (Particle Swarm Optimisation and Proportional Fair Scheduling) is proposed to help the users who are in a critical location and to have an optimal distribution of resources. The scheme leverages the PFS algorithm taking into consideration the channel state conditions of the users, where the PSO algorithm provides an optimal solution to the allocation problem and improves the performances of users according to their channel state. The simulation results show that the allocation of resources by the PSO-PFS hybrid guarantees a high throughput of the system by ensuring fairness through all users.
Keywords: resource allocation; tri-sectorial cell; 5G; PSO-PFS.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWMC.2020.105711
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2020 Vol.18 No.2, pp.175 - 182
Received: 19 Jul 2019
Accepted: 02 Sep 2019
Published online: 09 Mar 2020 *