Title: The value of management in the digitalisation era: evidence from an Italian museum
Authors: Viviana D'Angelo
Addresses: Uninettuno University, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39, 00186 Rome, Italy
Abstract: The digital transformation of the world of museum is changing not only the way the visitors enjoy the museum experience, but also the way that museums deliver the experience, requiring a process of change and adaptation into the museum organisation. In this scenario, the museum management plays a crucial role addressing and fostering those challenges, promoting the exploitation of the resources available, and encouraging a continuous cooperation with institutions. Through a single case study of an archaeological museum located in central Italy, we analyse how the change in the managerial staff has been essential to promote a change towards the digitalisation process, and how the background and the previous experience of the top manager further simplify the process.
Keywords: museum digitalisation; change management; Industry 4.0; cultural tourism; organisational change.
DOI: 10.1504/IJDCET.2020.105904
International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism, 2020 Vol.3 No.1, pp.94 - 108
Received: 24 Apr 2019
Accepted: 07 Aug 2019
Published online: 16 Mar 2020 *