Title: Using activity systems theory to understand change process in developing teacher as researcher at master level studies
Authors: Blerim Saqipi
Addresses: Faculty of Education, University of Prishtina, Agim Ramadani, 350, Prishtina 10000, Kosovo
Abstract: This research examines the challenges and contextual variables that influence the development of teacher as researcher at master level studies within the broader movement of research-based teacher education. The research is conducted at the Faculty of Education, University of Prishtina, Kosovo, by involving 192 master level students in a survey, 28 of them providing narrative reflections, and interviews with three teacher educators who teach research skills courses at master level studies. Quantitative data were analysed through SPSS while qualitative data were analysed through thematic analysis approach. Using Engestrom's third generation activity systems theory as a theoretical framework, this research has identified four levels of inner tensions raised between the activity of master students and teacher educators in the efforts to develop teacher as researcher. Findings of this research provide suggestions on managing the tensions between the two subjects involved and developing a context specific approach to educating teachers as researchers.
Keywords: change; teacher as researcher; initial teacher education; activity theory; program reform; master studies; context; tensions; research-based; Kosovo.
International Journal of Learning and Change, 2020 Vol.12 No.1, pp.1 - 14
Received: 08 Aug 2018
Accepted: 08 Mar 2019
Published online: 23 Mar 2020 *