Title: Optimising planer cam mechanism in printing machine for quality improvement using Taguchi method: risk analysis with concurrent engineering approach
Authors: M. Nataraj, V.P. Arunachalam, K.G. Suresh
Addresses: Government College of Technology, Coimbatore – 641 013, India. ' Government College of Technology, Coimbatore – 641 013, India. ' M/s Autoprint Machinery Manufacturers Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore – 641 108, India
Abstract: It is critical for an industrial organisation to strike a balance between what is defined and the way to achieve it at the least cost, so as to maintain competitiveness. Also, considerable resources, in terms of time, cost, material, quality, etc., are spent before a valid inference is taken. The Taguchi method is a technique that addresses said industrial needs, enabling the designer to find the optimum combination of control parameters to make the response insensitive to noise factors. This research paper discusses parameter optimisation of the planer cam mechanism via computer-based models, at the start of the design stage, by Taguchi|s Orthogonal Array (OA) based Design of Experiments (DOE) to understand how the variation in product specifications affect the system performance.
Keywords: ANOVA; cam assembly; confidence intervals; orthogonal arrays; Taguchi method; response curves; robust design; SN ratio.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2006.010601
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2006 Vol.26 No.3, pp.164 - 173
Published online: 07 Aug 2006 *
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