Title: Adaptation of cryptocurrencies in listed companies: empirical findings of a CFO survey in the German capital market

Authors: Lars Andraschko; Bernd Britzelmaier

Addresses: Business School, Pforzheim University, Tiefenbronner Str. 65, 75175 Pforzheim, Germany ' Business School, Pforzheim University, Tiefenbronner Str. 65, 75175 Pforzheim, Germany

Abstract: This paper examines companies' adaptation of cryptocurrencies and comprises a quantitative empirical study. The emerging potentials of cryptocurrencies but the gap of practical application and respective existing knowledge are addressed in this paper. Technological, economic, social and regulatory aspects are depicted in the literature review. In addition, a comprehensive status quo of on companies' cryptocurrency adaptation research is provided and previous contributions are discussed. This study is based on an online questionnaire that was sent out to CFOs of German Prime Standard listed companies. As suggested in preceding papers the extended technology acceptance model (TAM2) is applied. Results indicate a very low level of adaptation and companies' utilisation of the blockchain technology. Lower potentials are seen in cryptocurrencies than in the underlying blockchain technology. The main obstacles are to overcome regulatory uncertainty and high price volatility. Low transaction costs and the omission of intermediaries are seen as great potential benefits. Suggestions for further research and practical implications are provided.

Keywords: blockchain; digital transformation; Bitcoin; quantitative empirical study; CFO survey; cryptocurrencies; extended technology acceptance model; TAM2.

DOI: 10.1504/IJBDM.2020.106875

International Journal of Big Data Management, 2020 Vol.1 No.1, pp.26 - 49

Received: 29 Jan 2019
Accepted: 28 May 2019

Published online: 24 Apr 2020 *

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