Title: A multidimensional indicator system for quantifying business process interface problems

Authors: Matthias Lederer; Laura Heider; Jannis Maier

Addresses: International School of Management (ISM), Germany Karlstraße 35, D-80333 Munich, Germany ' MGMTree, Braunstraße 7, D-04347 Leipzig, Germany ' FAU Erlangen Nuremberg, Lange Gasse 20, D-90403 Nuremberg, Germany

Abstract: Process orientation within companies is widely acknowledged to deal with modern business challenges. However, business processes usually run across many departments, creating organisational interfaces. Such interfaces often produce errors and thus weaken the line and workflow organisation of companies. This article first develops a list of factors that typically drive interface criticality (e.g., lack of common language of departments, absence of shared reward systems). In addition, to assess the criticality of an interface in business practice, this paper presents an evaluated assessment model. It helps process and team managers to measure or even predict the criticality of organisational interfaces using standard metrics. An IT prototype is given in the paper, which makes the application of the assessment feasible.

Keywords: process management; organisational interface; process orientation; key performance indicator; KPI.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMP.2020.106939

International Journal of Management Practice, 2020 Vol.13 No.3, pp.295 - 320

Accepted: 19 Feb 2019
Published online: 28 Apr 2020 *

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