Title: Study of murmurs and their impact on the heart variability
Authors: F. Mokeddem; F. Meziani; S.M. Debbal
Addresses: Genie-Biomedical Laboratory (GBM), Department of Genie-Biomedical, Faculty of Technology, University of Aboubekr Belkaid – Tlemcen, BP 119, Tlemcen, Algeria ' Genie-Biomedical Laboratory (GBM), Department of Genie-Biomedical, Faculty of Technology, University of Aboubekr Belkaid – Tlemcen, BP 119, Tlemcen, Algeria ' Genie-Biomedical Laboratory (GBM), Department of Genie-Biomedical, Faculty of Technology, University of Aboubekr Belkaid – Tlemcen, BP 119, Tlemcen, Algeria
Abstract: The phonocardiogram (PCG) signal processing approach seems to be very revealing for the diagnosis of pathologies affecting the activity of the heart. The aim of this paper is the application of an algorithm to explore heart sounds with simplicity in order to provide statistical parameters to better understand the cardiac activity by the calculation of the cardiac frequency and examine the impact of minor and pronounced murmurs on the cardiac variability. This paper is conducted to clarify the variation of the cardiac frequency affected by several groups of murmurs and investigate the medical reasons behind the obtained results. A high number of cycles were used to better refine the expected results.
Keywords: cardiac variability; cardiac frequency; phonocardiogram signal; murmur; click; detection; duration.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMEI.2020.107095
International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, 2020 Vol.12 No.3, pp.291 - 301
Received: 10 Apr 2018
Accepted: 08 Nov 2018
Published online: 04 May 2020 *