Title: Status of laws related to physical protection and radiological emergency in the Republic of Korea
Authors: Jaedong Koh, Sangwon Kim, Changbum Kim
Addresses: Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Gusung-dong 19, Yusung-gu, Daejun 305-338, Korea. ' Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Gusung-dong 19, Yusung-gu, Daejun 305-338, Korea. ' Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Gusung-dong 19, Yusung-gu, Daejun 305-338, Korea
Abstract: Laws related to atomic energy of the Republic of Korea, which were quite simple at the nascent stage, have been diversified in accordance with the expansion of the nuclear industry and growing public needs. As part of the efforts by the government to address public concerns about nuclear safety, the Act for Physical Protection and Radiological Emergency was enacted to enhance the capabilities to prevent and tackle radiological emergencies and establish a firm mechanism for physical protection. The above act stipulates systematic government-wide measures with a view to preventing radiological emergencies that might possibly occur within the framework of the existing disaster control system of the Republic of Korea and coping with any actual disaster. In addition, the act sets forth a wide range of measures aimed at effectively grappling with acts of sabotage and terrorism related to nuclear facilities and nuclear materials, the importance of which is being increasingly recognised. The Republic of Korea will exert maximum efforts to thwart any unexpected disaster, expecting that enforcement of the act will generate its intended effects.
Keywords: nuclear law; radiological emergency; physical protection; disaster prevention; Korea; atomic energy; nuclear energy; nuclear power; nuclear safety; public policy; disaster management; emergency management; sabotage; terrorism; nuclear materials; nuclear accidents.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNUCL.2006.010723
International Journal of Nuclear Law, 2006 Vol.1 No.3, pp.207 - 218
Published online: 21 Aug 2006 *
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