Title: A survey and development on context-aware monitoring in healthcare with big data
Authors: S.R. Reeja; Murthuza Ali Baig; Rino Cherian; K. Jothimani
Addresses: CSE Department, School of Engineering, Dayananda Sagar University, India ' CSE Department, School of Engineering, Dayananda Sagar University, India ' KVGCE, Sulia, India ' KVGCE, Sulia, India
Abstract: Context aware monitoring are the three words which are building a rapt in healthcare with help of emerging technologies like 'big data, cloud computing, IoT', etc., through which the healthcare had reached to advance level. With advance to the emerging technologies 'wireless sensor network and body sensor networks' are playing a prominent role in healthcare through which the data is collected and send to the cloud for better analysis. The services with context-aware are built in mobile services and applications so that they can offer contextually needed data to the developer. The word context recognises the information in automatic manner and respond anticipated according to the needs and helps the people to be aware of social surroundings based on the contextual information. As various mobile devices, technologies, application and networks are developing in huge number the efforts to make a usable application is more important in achieve success in the industry. As context-aware is spreading in different technologies with big data, cloud, IoT, machine learning is making adverse effects with these technologies its gaining boom in market which helps the context-aware to develop further in technology to make people life easy and finding a solution to a appropriate problem.
Keywords: context-aware monitoring; big data; cloud computing; internet of things; IoT; machine learning.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBDI.2020.107376
International Journal of Big Data Intelligence, 2020 Vol.7 No.2, pp.97 - 109
Received: 07 Nov 2018
Accepted: 18 Oct 2019
Published online: 21 May 2020 *