Title: Resilience in family firms: a theoretical overview and proposed theory
Authors: Marzia Ventura; Walter Vesperi; Anna Maria Melina; Rocco Reina
Addresses: Department of Health Science, University 'Magna-Graecia' of Catanzaro, Campus 'S. Venuta', Catanzaro, Italy ' Department of Economics and Management, University of Messina, Piazza Pugliatti, 1 – Messina, Italy ' Department of Law, Economics and Sociology, Campus 'S. Venuta', Catanzaro, Italy ' Department of Law, Economics and Sociology, Campus 'S. Venuta', Catanzaro, Italy
Abstract: This article uses a literature review to study the research areas of organisational resilience in family firms, during the generational change. The study offers a theoretical overview to explain on these themes. Our evidences show that the academic literature has reached a shared consensus on the importance of organisational resilience. However, there are few studies on organisational resilience in family firms. Our study suggests some reflections on two other phenomena link to organisational resilience: resistance and vulnerability. The implications offer new directions for managers to understand the importance of organisational resilience in the family firm to improve the survival of the organisations.
Keywords: family firms; FFs; organisational resilience; generational change; development; management.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMED.2020.107403
International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, 2020 Vol.19 No.2, pp.164 - 186
Received: 01 Jun 2019
Accepted: 19 Jan 2020
Published online: 26 May 2020 *