Title: Semantic linkage of source content dynamically with virtual documents using Wikipedia in Hadoop
Authors: R. Priyadarshini; Latha Tamilselvan
Addresses: Department of Information Technology, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences, Crescent University, Chennai 48, India ' Department of Information Technology, School of Computer, Information and Mathematical Sciences, Crescent University, Chennai 48, India
Abstract: In recent years, the World Wide Web has developed enormously and become more multifaceted because of the rising number of users and emerging technologies. Web 2.0 has modified this by enabling the users to create and share the content and remain collaborative. As result of this there is enormous growth of web content. Hence relevant information retrieval became a challenging task. To handle this problem application of semantic web is very much essential. The proposed model, document-based content management system (DSCMS) extracts the meta-content of the link using Wiki application programming interface (API) and store it as repository based on mongo DB. The meta content matching is implemented by Jaccard similarity measure with alchemy API. Finally the exact source documents for our virtual document will be retrieved for future use. Graphical analysis with metrics recall and precision is calculated to prove the efficiency of the system compared to conventional systems.
Keywords: virtual document; semantic repository; locate source content; semantic article; wikiAPI; application programming interface.
DOI: 10.1504/IJAIP.2020.107530
International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, 2020 Vol.16 No.3/4, pp.338 - 354
Received: 04 Jul 2017
Accepted: 15 Sep 2017
Published online: 01 Jun 2020 *