Title: Heuristics for disassembly lot sizing problem with lost sales
Authors: Mustapha Hrouga; Matthieu Godichaud; Lionel Amodeo
Addresses: Laboratory of Industrial Systems Optimisation (LOSI), Charles Delaunay Institute, University of Technology of Troyes (UTT), 12, Rue Marie curie, 10004 Troyes, France ' Laboratory of Industrial Systems Optimisation (LOSI), Charles Delaunay Institute, University of Technology of Troyes (UTT), 12, Rue Marie curie, 10004 Troyes, France ' Laboratory of Industrial Systems Optimisation (LOSI), Charles Delaunay Institute, University of Technology of Troyes (UTT), 12, Rue Marie curie, 10004 Troyes, France
Abstract: Disassembly is a major activity performed in treatment and recovery facilities and is the most important precedence of product and recovery part. This paper focus on single-item disassembly lot sizing problem with lost sales, we propose an optimisation approach to minimise the set-up costs and inventory costs in a first time and in second time we include lost sales costs. To this end, we propose three most well-known heuristic approaches for the single-item disassembly lot sizing problem with lost sales: silver meal (SM), part period balancing (PPB) and least unit cost (LUC). Results show that the heuristics used in the classical lot sizing problem can be also used to solve the disassembly lot sizing problem with lost sales, especially for small and medium instances. Results also show that can trust the proposed heuristics as a solution methodology to solve disassembly lost sizing without and with lost sales for larger instances.
Keywords: disassembly planning; lot-sizing; reverse logistics; lost sales; operational research; optimisation.
International Journal of Operational Research, 2020 Vol.38 No.4, pp.449 - 476
Received: 14 Dec 2016
Accepted: 09 Oct 2017
Published online: 02 Jul 2020 *