Title: From digital divide to e-government: re-engineering process and bureaucracy in public service delivery
Authors: Paolo Pariso; Alfonso Marino
Addresses: Engineering Department, University of Campania 'Luigi Vanvitelli', Via Roma n. 29 Aversa (CE), Italy ' Engineering Department, University of Campania 'Luigi Vanvitelli', Via Roma n. 29 Aversa (CE), Italy
Abstract: The nature of the digital divide is a complex and debated issue; therefore, an accurate diagnosis of its causes is an imperative in order to discern and implement the proper solutions. The digital divide is wide. The aim of this paper is to highlight the elements that have determined such a divide within a macro area of southern Europe. The methodology was developed with the support of both a qualitative and a quantitative analysis, monitoring the period 2010-2017 with reference to Southern Italy. Many European countries exhibit the same criticalities and this composite measurement allows the identification of the capacity and willingness of the countries to use e-government for ICT led development. Furthermore, the methodology reflects how information technologies are being used to promote citizens' access and inclusion. The issues of Italian bureaucracy and the digital divide should be investigated to enhance public administration development.
Keywords: digital divide; e-government; bureaucracy; public service delivery; technologies; organisational theories; Italy; public administration.
Electronic Government, an International Journal, 2020 Vol.16 No.3, pp.314 - 325
Accepted: 23 Sep 2019
Published online: 14 Jul 2020 *