Title: The mediating role of Jordanian Joint Procurement Law: an examination of the effects of e-procurement enablers on the reduction of expenditure
Authors: Monira A. Mufleh
Addresses: Department of Management, Faculty of Finance and Business, World Islamic Sciences and Education University, Jordan
Abstract: This work seeks to investigate the mediation role of JPD law to reduce expenditure by enhancing, through e-procurement enablers: trust in information technology (IT), IT infrastructure and the procurement process. This study brings together three significant models in the e-procurement arena, namely that presented by Turban et al. (2017) in identifying enablers of e-procurement, the model of Vaidya and Campbell (2016), which measures expenditure reduction, and the JPD law of 2002, as a mediating factor. The work further aims to determine the effects of such elements on the reduction of expenditure through the completion of an empirical survey carried out through questionnaire distribution; a total of 352 questionnaires were collected and underwent analysis with the use of the smart partial least square (PLS) approach. The findings show significant influences in all relations ensured in hypotheses testing, in regards the three enablers of e-procurement, namely IT infrastructure, trust on IT and processes of e-procurement, on expenditure reduction, with the Jordanian Joint Procurement Law utilised as a mediator, with a positive amount of path coefficient (beta) despite the relation between IT infrastructure and JPD.
Keywords: Joint Procurement Law; JPD; e-procurement enablers; expenditure reduction.
International Journal of Procurement Management, 2020 Vol.13 No.4, pp.553 - 577
Received: 09 Oct 2018
Accepted: 17 Apr 2019
Published online: 21 Jul 2020 *