Title: United Nations Secretary-General's High Level Panel on System Wide Coherence and the environment: incremental change or UN reform?
Authors: Hugh Wilkins
Addresses: Toronto, Canada
Abstract: The UN High-Level Panel on System Wide Coherence is to explore how the United Nations system can work more coherently and effectively in the areas of environment, development and humanitarian assistance. Regarding environmental issues, the Panel has focused on: mainstreaming environment in development decision-making; the institutional framework for the UN system|s environment activities; coherence in the UN|s normative work in the field of environment. To inspire meaningful changes in the area of environment, the Panel should focus on making sustainable development an overarching principle of UN activities, clustering of multinational environmental agreements and significantly strengthening UNEP.
Keywords: 2005 World Summit; international environmental governance; UN reform; sustainable development; public participation; United Nations; High Level Panel on System Wide Coherence; environment; environmental management; environmental monitoring; multilateral environmental agreements.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGENVI.2006.010885
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 2006 Vol.6 No.4, pp.285 - 300
Published online: 12 Sep 2006 *
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