Title: Local eco-systems and some sustainable development problems of Georgia
Authors: Guram Laitadze, Vera Gongliashvili, Alex Gotsiridze
Addresses: 24, 300 Aragveli Str., Tbilisi, 380044, Georgia. ' 24, 300 Aragveli Str., Tbilisi, 380044, Georgia. ' 24, 300 Aragveli Str., Tbilisi, 380044, Georgia
Abstract: One general understanding of sustainable development concept is this being a socio-economic model of society life, satisfaction of life|s necessities for the current generation should be reached without deprivation of such opportunity for next generations. Thus, rational usage of natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable ones, not causing irreversible negative influences to the environment is the way, leading to sustainable development. The concept of local eco-system and its sustainable development are very important because the solution of a global negative influence on environment depends upon solution to the local pollution problems. Some ecological problems, connected with Georgia|s environment are considered in the present paper (forest management, soil, water resources, and atmospheric pollution). Also, some estimations and recommendations that may serve the environment protection problem are given.
Keywords: local ecosystems; sustainable development; sustainability; Georgia; natural resources; energy safety; environmental pollution; forest management; soil; water resources; air pollution.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGENVI.2006.010893
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 2006 Vol.6 No.4, pp.391 - 400
Published online: 12 Sep 2006 *
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