Title: Research on urban new energy repeated conversion method oriented to municipal planning

Authors: Jianhui Qin

Addresses: School of Business Administration, Energy Economic Research Centre, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, Henan 454000, China

Abstract: In order to overcome the waste of energy in the utilisation of traditional urban new energy sources, a new urban renewable energy conversion method oriented to municipal planning is proposed. Based on the energy purchase cost, equipment operation cost and penalty cost of the new energy conversion system, the new energy conversion objective function is set up. The original constraints and lower optimisation problems are combined by KKT condition. Fortuny - A mat McCarl method is selected to transform the combined problems. For linear constraints, all models in the system are solved, and the unified and coordinated planning of multi-energy forms such as electricity, natural gas and heat energy is completed. The experimental results show that the method can transform the new urban energy, alleviate the pressure of transmission network and achieve energy optimisation; at the same time, it can effectively store energy and realise the repeated conversion of new energy; and the average conversion cost is only 200,100 Yuan, with high economic benefits.

Keywords: municipal planning; city; new energy sources; repetition; conversion methods; research.

DOI: 10.1504/IJGEI.2020.108956

International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 2020 Vol.42 No.3/4, pp.178 - 197

Received: 17 Aug 2019
Accepted: 24 Apr 2020

Published online: 10 Aug 2020 *

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