Title: Impact of marketing resource on company performance on B2B markets
Authors: Gregor Jagodič; Borut Milfelner
Addresses: International School for Social and Business Studies, Mariborska cesta 7, 3000 Celje, Slovenia ' Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Razlagova ulica 14, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Abstract: The main goal of the paper is to research the impact of marketing resources on company performance for companies on B2B markets. The conceptual model, including market orientation, marketing strategy, ICT support factors for B2B markets and company performance was proposed and empirically tested. The research results show that market orientation and its sub-constructs, namely competitor orientation and customer orientation have a positive impact on implementation of marketing strategy and ICT support for B2B markets. Also, implementation of good marketing strategies for companies on B2B markets and ICT support on B2B markets have a positive impact on company performance.
Keywords: B2B market; market orientation; marketing strategies; competitive advantage; ICT; innovation; learning; company performance.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2020 Vol.28 No.2, pp.180 - 205
Received: 03 Apr 2019
Accepted: 20 May 2019
Published online: 12 Aug 2020 *