Title: Sustainability indicators: is there consensus among stakeholders?
Authors: Anne M. Wallis
Addresses: School of Ecology and Environment, Deakin University, Warrnambool, Victoria 3280, Australia
Abstract: Measuring regional sustainability must include local approaches, as sustainability will be determined by what the community values and the relative importance of these values will depend on community expectations, which vary. One of the biggest challenges for introducing strategies for sustainability is that multiple stakeholders are involved and they have differing objectives. This paper reports on a study conducted in the south-west region of Victoria, Australia, which investigated the level of consensus among stakeholders involved in determining indicators for measuring the region|s progress toward sustainability. Principal Component Analysis was used to determine if there was a difference between stakeholder groups when it came to selecting appropriate indicators. The organisations demonstrated a high degree of consensus about which indicators were important. These findings suggest that although organisations have different aims and strategic goals, their views on what should be measured to determine progress toward sustainability are indeed similar.
Keywords: sustainability; indicators; regional sustainability; stakeholders; consensus; Australia; sustainable development.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESD.2006.010898
International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 2006 Vol.5 No.3, pp.287 - 296
Published online: 14 Sep 2006 *
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