Title: Investigating the role of moderating the quality of working life on the relationship between psychological capital and organisational citizenship behaviour
Authors: Seyed Hasan Hosseini; Ammar Arabi-Jeshvaghani; Alireza Akbarzadeh; Mohsen Habibi
Addresses: Department of Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Imam Ali, Tehran, Iran ' Department of Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Islamic Azad University of Tehran, Iran ' Department of Sociology Sciences, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Imam Ali, Tehran, Iran ' Department of Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Iran
Abstract: Present research examines the relationship between psychological capital and organisational citizenship behaviour, with mediation of quality of working life. The research statistical population included the staff and faculty members of Azad University in Isfahan. Required data were collected based on research model and through distributed questionnaire among staff and faculty members and for investigating the relationship among variables and testing hypotheses, multi-variable regression and structural equations (path analysis) have been used. Validity of the questionnaires was examined and verified consulting the university professors and experts, and the questionnaires' reliability was determined by calculating their Cronbach's alpha, that, indicating adequate reliability of them. The results have presented that in confident level of 95%, there is a significant and positive relationship between psychological capital and the quality of working life as well as psychological capital and with organisational citizenship behaviour. The variable of working life quality has also significant and positive relationship with organisational citizenship behaviour. The other finding of research was the significant effect of mediating variable of working life quality according to relationship between psychological capital and organisational citizenship behaviour.
Keywords: psychological capital; working life quality; organisational citizenship behaviour.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2020.109008
International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 2020 Vol.36 No.4, pp.425 - 439
Received: 30 Jan 2018
Accepted: 19 May 2018
Published online: 17 Aug 2020 *