Title: The role of perceived economic well-being and conspicuous consumption in creating customer wealth
Authors: Neena Sinha; Pranay Verma
Addresses: USMS, GGSIP University, Dwarka, New Delhi, India ' School of Retail & Fashion Merchandise, Footwear Design and Development Institute, A-10/A, Sector 24, Noida 201301, India
Abstract: Technology acceptance model (TAM) is a well documented field of study. At the aggregate level the impact of intention to use mobile phone-based services is analysed comprehensively but at an individual level it is not well documented. If we consider the user as a customer of mobile-based services, consequence of intention to use mobile phone-based services in creation of wealth for this customer has not been researched. Therefore in this paper we define the constructs of customer wealth and develop the conceptual model linking intention to use and customer wealth. After due diligence a twelve item questionnaire was floated to test the construct. An exploratory factor analysis was run on the data followed by a confirmatory analysis. Both the tests confirmed the customer wealth scale involves the role of perceived economic well-being and conspicuous consumption. This instrument can be used by government agencies to measure the effectiveness of poverty alleviation programs.
Keywords: customer wealth; perceived economic well-being; conspicuous consumption; product innovation; structural equation modelling; agricultural extension services; bottom of the pyramid.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2020 Vol.25 No.4, pp.519 - 534
Received: 02 Jun 2017
Accepted: 28 Sep 2018
Published online: 21 Aug 2020 *