Title: Examining the role of internal communication and employee engagement in Cyprus-based medium-sized organisations in times of challenging strategic changes
Authors: Marcos Komodromos
Addresses: Department of Communications, School of Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Nicosia, 46 Makedonitissis Str., 1700 Egkomi, Cyprus
Abstract: In response to the 2013 financial crisis in Cyprus, employers made uninformed decisions to downsize and restructure as techniques for maximising profit and decreasing cost. The employers did not consider the change management issues associated with change. The purpose of conducting this study is to: a) examine the employees' perceptions to determine whether there exists any relationship between internal communication and employee engagement in medium-size organisations during challenging economic conditions; b) determine the impact of internal communication on the employees' engagement. Using the purposive sampling technique, 343 participants were recruited. In this qualitative study, a thematic analysis of the interview responses was conducted to help in retrieving insightful information from the collected data. Applying pattern coding facilitated in proving that the hypotheses should be accepted. The findings of the study were that the top management in medium-sized organisations should use effective internal communication and employee engagement to support strategic change.
Keywords: internal communication; management; medium-sized organisations; employee engagement; strategic changes; corporate communication; economic change; Cyprus; staff communication; workplace relationships; employee commitment.
Journal for Global Business Advancement, 2020 Vol.13 No.1, pp.32 - 52
Received: 06 Mar 2020
Accepted: 03 Jun 2020
Published online: 21 Aug 2020 *