Title: Entrepreneurship among the Berber people in Algeria
Authors: Sofiane Djennadi
Addresses: EuroMed, Marseilles, France
Abstract: Berber people were the first to live in North Africa; they are mainly living in Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. In Algeria, there are more than six million Berbers out of 20 million of inhabitants. The Berber community ran according to a consensual model? It is mostly made up of villages. Important decisions are taken with all inhabitants of a village. The system is popular in a way that the system never needed neither police nor justice, and it worked like that for decades. This is an auto-regulation based on the relationship between people. The tradition replaces in fact the law.
Keywords: Berbers; North Africa; Algeria; Berber community; collective entrepreneurship; tradition; villages; concensus; self-regulation; indigenous people.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2006.010921
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2006 Vol.3 No.6, pp.691 - 695
Published online: 18 Sep 2006 *
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