Title: Distributed log management for dynamically changing computing environments on cloud
Authors: Takayuki Kushida
Addresses: School of Computer Science, Tokyo University of Technology, 1404-1 Katakura, Hachouji, Tokyo 192-0914, Japan
Abstract: The cloud logging service is a core component for the operation and management of the production system. The service is usually a central server deployment whereby the dedicated central servers accept all log messages from leaf computing nodes. As the number of applications and solutions on the cloud changes dynamically, the amount of log messages that are forwarded to the logging service is also changed. The paper proposes a distributed logging service (DLS) that distributes log messages to multiple leaf computing nodes. No central server is required to manage the logging service. DLS also provides alert notifications, authentication, lifetime management and resilience, which are required for the production system. Results of an evaluation of the emulated environment show that DLS is suitable for use with applications and solutions which are used for production usages.
Keywords: distributed log; logging service; log management; cloud management; distributed hash table; DHT.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBDI.2020.109670
International Journal of Big Data Intelligence, 2020 Vol.7 No.3, pp.157 - 168
Received: 18 Mar 2020
Accepted: 28 May 2020
Published online: 18 Sep 2020 *