Title: Kalman filter and satellite attitude control system analytical design
Authors: Y.V. Kim
Addresses: Canadian Space Agency, 6767-route de l'Aeroport, St-Hubert, J3Y 8Y9 Quebec, Canada
Abstract: The article considers a certain form of suboptimal Kalman-Bucy filter (KBF), with bounded grows of memory (FBGM) and its application for satellite control system analytical design. The FBGM is robust and simple. Due to these qualities it can be easily practically implemented. This is especially important for airspace applications, where on-board computers (OBC), despite of the huge progress achieved in their characteristics, still have restricted resources. Since FBGM in the steady state can be made optimal KBF, it is used for, so called, analytical design (AD) of ACS, to estimate its potentially achievable performance in an idealistic case. This case assumes that all restrictions and constraints are removed and not taking into account as for the real system design process. Various schemes of filter usage in conjunction with the controller in closed negative feedback control loop are discussed. The emphasis is on analytical design; however, taking into account engineering aspects, the solution found can be implemented in real system as well.
Keywords: dynamic system; Kalman filter; controller; estimator; filter; stochastic process; white noise; optimal estimation and control; satellite attitude control system; ACS; analytical design.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSPACESE.2020.109749
International Journal of Space Science and Engineering, 2020 Vol.6 No.1, pp.82 - 103
Received: 13 Jan 2020
Accepted: 26 Feb 2020
Published online: 22 Sep 2020 *