Title: Process level integration of organisational learning, learning organisation and knowledge management
Authors: Peter Y.T. Sun, John L. Scott
Addresses: Department of Management Systems, University of Waikato, Private bag 3105, Hamilton, New Zealand. ' Department of Management Systems, University of Waikato, Private bag 3105, Hamilton, New Zealand
Abstract: Organisational Learning (OL), Learning Organisation (LO) and Knowledge Management (KM) have evolved as largely separate fields with little effort to integrate them. In this article, an attempt is made to discuss the linkage of OL, LO and KM at the process level. The linkage is perceived to be at the individual, group, and organisational levels of learning. To meaningfully discuss the linkage, the impact of Crossan et al.|s (1999) 4I model (i.e., intuition, interpretation, integration, and institutionalisation) and Senge|s (1990) five disciplines (i.e., mental model, personal mastery, team learning, shared vision and systems thinking), on Nonaka|s (1994) knowledge creating spiral, is discussed. Specifically, how the learning processes and the five disciplines, impact the knowledge creating spiral, is theorised.
Keywords: organisational learning; OL; learning organisation; LO; knowledge management; KM; emotional intelligence; integration; learning process; knowledge creation.
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2006 Vol.2 No.3/4, pp.308 - 319
Published online: 26 Sep 2006 *
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