Title: Smart airport management and flight service delay prediction using linear regression technique
Authors: D. Haripriya; S. Ramyasree
Addresses: Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad, India ' Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad, India
Abstract: In airports, there is a possibility of individual entry using fake tickets to involve in crime activities. The baggage mislaid and delay of flight service may lead to dissatisfaction among the passengers. The fake ticket identification, avoiding mislaid baggage and flight service delay notification are focused in this paper as existing systems are not attending all the issues together. An automated system is designed to increase the customer facilities in terms of flight delay notification, baggage mislaid alert and ticket bookings. The baggage are handled using RFID tags whereas fake tickets are identified through QR scanning. The flight delays are predicted using machine learning-based linear regression technique with 97% accuracy. Mobile app is developed for ticket booking to improve the passenger facilitation to a greater extent and web app is developed for airport management to verify the fake ticket. The proposed airport management system makes the air travel more customer friendly with high security.
Keywords: linear regression technique; RFID; QR code; machine learning; airport management.
DOI: 10.1504/IJISTA.2020.110007
International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, 2020 Vol.19 No.4, pp.322 - 331
Received: 15 Dec 2018
Accepted: 03 Apr 2019
Published online: 01 Oct 2020 *